Red Flags on Rental Applications: What to Watch Out For

Dec 27, 2020
Travel Guide

When it comes to finding the perfect rental property, it's essential to be aware of the red flags on rental applications that may indicate potential issues down the line. As a tenant, understanding what to look for in a rental application can help you make informed decisions and avoid any unpleasant surprises.

1. Inconsistent Employment History

One of the first things to consider when reviewing a rental application is the applicant's employment history. Look out for any inconsistencies or gaps in employment that may raise concerns about their ability to pay rent on time.

2. Poor Credit Score

A poor credit score is a major red flag when it comes to rental applications. Landlords often use credit scores as an indication of an applicant's financial responsibility. Be sure to check the applicant's credit history to ensure they have a good track record of managing their finances.

3. Previous Evictions

Another crucial aspect to look for in a rental application is any history of eviction. Applicants who have been evicted in the past may pose a higher risk of defaulting on rent payments or causing disruptions in the community.

4. Insufficient Income

Verify that the applicant's income is sufficient to cover the rental payments. If the applicant's income is insufficient or unstable, it may indicate a higher likelihood of missed payments or financial difficulties in the future.

5. Negative References

Check the applicant's references provided in the rental application. Negative feedback from previous landlords or employers can be a warning sign of potential issues with the applicant's behavior or reliability.

6. Criminal History

While not all criminal history may disqualify an applicant, certain convictions may raise concerns for landlords. Take into account the nature of the offense and how it may impact the safety and well-being of other tenants in the property.

7. Incomplete or Misleading Information

Be wary of any rental applications that contain incomplete or misleading information. Applicants who fail to provide all the required details or provide false information may not be trustworthy tenants.

8. Unexplained Gaps in Rental History

Look out for any unexplained gaps in the applicant's rental history. These gaps may indicate previous issues with landlords or difficulties maintaining a stable living situation.


As a tenant, being aware of the red flags on rental applications is crucial in ensuring a smooth and successful rental experience. By carefully reviewing rental applications and paying attention to these warning signs, you can protect yourself from potential problems and find a rental property that meets your needs.

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